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Volunteer Spotlight: Chelsea Oakley

This month, the Center would like to give a HUGE shoutout to Chelsea Oakley, who was chosen by staff as the volunteer spotlight for this month for her passion and exceptional willingness to help out.

Meet Chelsea:

My name is Chelsea and I’m 23 years old. I am going to school to become a trauma counselor. I have always wanted to be able to help others and this is a perfect opportunity for me to do just that!

I turned my own trauma into a passion. I decided to learn all about sexual assault advocacy and just wanted to help others to remind them they are not alone and to give them that reassurance they need!

I really just enjoy hearing the ease in someone’s voice or see it on their face when they realize that they aren’t alone and that somebody is there for them.

Chelsea has been volunteering with the Center for about three months now, and always goes above and beyond as an advocate. She approaches her volunteer work with such noticeable passion and is overall always excited about the work that she gets to do here. She has truly had a noticeable impact on the Center, and we could not do our work without her continued passion and dedication!

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Because Sexual Assault Affects us All

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