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Selfcare for Sexual Assault Survivors

By Teena Harris

Discovering your unique self-care plan after being assaulted is ultimately a very individualized journey. However, there have been some common self-care tips that assist a person with caring for themselves after such a traumatic event occurs.

Some of the self-care tips may include:

·Be gentle and patient with yourself

·Make yourself a “priority”


·Boundaries-set limits that are comfortable for you


·Taking a walk (in a safe environment)

·Completing a puzzle

·Art/Music that you enjoy

·Day or Night Spa at home (individualized to meet

what relaxes you candles, bath oils)

·Looking at a pond, lake, or the ocean


·Balanced nutrition/meals & practice sleep-hygiene

This is a very small, and not all-inclusive, list of things that one can do to care for self after experiencing assault. The objective of caring for “self” simmers down to being intentional about giving “you” the care and attention that is necessary, so that you may heal and create an inner peace that builds as your self-care becomes a habit. With great self-care practices, even if it is only 15 minutes a day, it assist with building the internal fortitude to face life challenges. If you would like to learn more about self-care, feel free to observe our website or contact us here at The Center for resources or services.

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