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It's PRIDE Month!

Pride month began as "Gay Pride Day," which was initially celebrated on the last Sunday of June and is now celebrated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.

Statistics show that transgender people and bisexual women face the most alarming rates of sexual violence. In fact, 47% of transgender people are sexually assaulted at some point in their lifetime. Individuals that are part of the LGBTQ+ community are also nine times more likely than non-LGBTQ+ individuals to be victims of violent hate crimes. Many activists have fought to end violence and establish equality in the LGBTQ+ community. Read below about a few advocates who have played a vital role in this movement:

Harvey Bernard Milk, (May 22, 1930- November 17, 1978) was an American politician and the first openly gay man to be elected in California.

During his time in office, he sponsored a bill banning discrimination in public accommodations, housing, and employment on the basis of sexual orientation. Unfortunately, Milk only served almost eleven months before being assassinated, but is forever remembered for the impacts he made.

Barbara Gittings, (July 31, 1932- February 8, 2007), organized the New York chapter with Daughters of Bilitis, the First lesbian and civil rights organization. Gittings was part of a movement to get the American Psychiatric Association to drop homosexuality as a mental illness in 1972.

She was passionate about ending the stigma around homosexuality, which had been associated with crime and mental illness by the American Psychiatric Association. The American Library Association awarded her a lifetime membership for her work promoting positive literature about homosexuality in libraries and named an annual award for the best gay or lesbian novel the Barbara Gittings Award.

Audrey Geraldine Lorde, (February 18, 1934- November 17, 1992), was an American writer, womanist, radical feminist, professor, philosopher, and civil rights activist. Her poems and prose largely deal with issues related to civil rights, feminism, lesbianism, illness and disability, and the exploration of black female identity.

In 1985 Lorde was invited to Cuba along with a group of black women writers to visit Cuban poets and discussed if the revolution had truly changed the status of lesbians and gays in Cuba. She used her talent with words to fight racism and inspire black women to use their voices too.

What We Can Do:

The Center is a safe and inclusive space for all. We are committed to creating a world that is free from sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and human trafficking. All of our services are FREE & Confidential. These services consisted of 1-on-1 crisis counseling, groups counseling, court and hospital accompaniments, advocacy, and a 24/7 crisis hotline.

If you or someone you know are in need of assistance, know that help, support, and resources are available. You can view some of these resources below:

All are Welcome:

LGBT Life Center:

LGBT National Hotline:


Local Pride Events:


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Because Sexual Assault Affects us All

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